Thursday 24 March 2011

The beauty of Islam

Case 1 :

A British man came to Sheikh and asked: Why is not permissible in Islam for women to shake hands with a man? The Sheikh said: Can you shake hands with Queen Elizabeth? British man said: Of course not, there are only certain people who can shake hands with Queen Elizabeth. Sheikh replied: our women are queens and queens do not shake hands with strange men~

Case 2:

A guy asked a Muslim, "Why do your girls cover up their body&hair?" The Muslim guy smiled while holding two sweets. He opened the first one & kept the other one closed. He threw the sweets on the dusty floor and asked the guy, "If I ask you to take one of the sweets, which one will you choose?" The guy replied," The covered one!" Then, the Muslim replied," That is how we treat & see our women."

I am proud to be a MUSLIM =)

Sunday 13 March 2011

Long-term Injury

Pd hari Jumaat yg berbahagia lepas, gua bertolak ke Sheffield utk menyertai pertandingan bola sepak antara pelajar2 Msia di UK... Sheffield Malaysian Games diberi name pertandingan itu... Gua tumpang tdo umah senior gua dua malam... Mengikut perancangan, gua main bola hari sabtu n pg ahad tu gua pegi Birmingham utk menonton All England Super Series 2011 final matches... Tapi, malang tak berbau... Gua ditimpa bencana... Gua terpaksa membatalkan hasrat ke Birmingham kerana mengalami kecederaan lutut mase tgh main bola hari sabtu tu...

Camne bole injured?? Ce cter, ce cter... Cter nye camni... Mase 2nd match tu, gua main bola mcm biase la... Tgh2 main tu, gua cuba la utk menyumbat goal dr jarak yg agak impossible utk masuk dengan menggunakan kaki kiri gua which is my weaker foot... Yes, kaki kiri gua... Then, lepas gua sepak bola tu, gua landing la kaki gua atas court bola tu... Pastu, tbe2 ade 'crack' sound kluar dr lutut gua... Gua cuba bgn pastu, tp tak bole lgsg... Gua dh tergolek2 atas court bola tu sambil mengerang kesakitan... Gua dipapah kluar dr court tersebut dan luckily, ade dua org tlg gua... Mase gua dipapah tu, ade org nmpk yg kepala lutut gua dh terkeluar... Gua pn nmpk sket2 tp tak brani nak tgk lame2... Then, dorg papah gua sampai ke reception... Mmg baek gle wlupn kteowg tak knl satu sama lain...

Then gua pegi hospital... Buat X-Ray segala bagai tp doktor bole plak ckp 'it was nothing serious'... Dlm hati gua, WTH takde ape2 serius... Gua takleh jalan kot... Nsb baek dorg bg tongkat n guard utk support lutut gua ni... Doktor tu ckp kpala lutut gua terkeluar n then die termasuk blk... Tp ramai kwn2 gua kata ligamen lutut gua koyak... and dorg kate at least, dua bulan baru sembuh... =(

Skang, gua terpaksa pakai tongkat utk berjalan.. Gua mmg takleh put any pressure kat kaki kiri gua... Ni 1st time gua ditimpa major injury spanjang karier gua main bola...

Ape2 pn, gua rase ni semua dugaan dari Dia utk uji gua... n gua taw gua mampu hadapi semua ni... Akhir kata, gua mintak rakan2 supaya mendoakan gua cepat sembuh... Terima Kasih~

Saturday 5 March 2011

School Experience Part 2

Day 3 - Hari ke3 gua masuk class Year 11 plak.. Lesson pertama dorg was PE (Physical Edu).. Ade maen outdoor, ade indoor.. Gua observe indoor je aritu... Boys maen 'Kabaddi' n girls maen lompat2... Bg yg taktaw 'Kabaddi' tu ape, sila tanye pakcik google.. Gua rase it's quite interesting to discover yg dorg ni maen 'Kabaddi' sbb gua mmg tak terlintas lgsg akan pikir yg dorg maen game mcm ni... Other than PE, gua observe class laen seperti Math, Eng n Travelling & Tourism.. Highlight of the day, aku jumpe cikgu cun... Name die 'Fiona'... Gua dh cair, dh la bau die wangi gle.. Tp nsb baek jumpe die kjap je... Kalaw tak, mmg gua dh mtk facebook, twitter, friendster, myspace die dh...

Day 4 - Observe Year 7.. 1st class was science.. Cikgu yg ajar class tu cikgu Fiona.. Perghh, gua excited gle babi mase tu.. Die mmg bagus gle mengajar.. Students dgr je ckp die.. Gua pn ape lg, ambik pluang usha die lame2... Pastu, ptg tu, kteowg ade session ngan cikgu saiko n international students die.. Kteowg present psl Malaysia tercinta, dorg present psl negara dorg... Yg peliknye, tbe2 muncul pensyarah gua kat situ.. Mane ntah die dtg pn gua taktaw...

Day 5 - Ari last kteowg kat skola tu.. Observed Year 8 plak.. Rupenye dorg ade subjek Drama n Music.. Bagus la subjek2 ni dibuat kalaw students participate or take part.. Tapi dorg ni, bukan amek kesah pn.. Maen2 je dlm class.. Kalaw gua jd cikgu, tak lame budak2 nakal tu duk dlm class..

Rindu nak minum hot chocolate free lg..

p/s : Sebenarnye, gua reka je watak Fiona tu.. Tu semua gua bermimpi di siang hari sbb gua mengantuk... Akhir kata, gua tujukan lagu ni utk cikgu Fiona yg tak wujud tu..

Friday 4 March 2011

School Experience Part 1

Sekali lagi kekuatan diri kami diuji dgn dihantar ke skola2 utk observation... Gua mmg panas ngan pensyarah gua sbb skola gua plg jauh... Depart plg awal, blk plg lmbt dr bdk2 yg dpt skola menengah laen... Ok, tutup cte tu... BTW, name skola gua pegi tu Hugh Christie Technology College...

Day 1 - Met Mr. Howard atau gua panggil die cikgu saiko... Mula2 jmpe, die dah start buat evil laugh die.. Mmg macam haram... Nmpk mcm tukang kebun skola je, pdhal die la org yg in charge utk International Students... Ari pertama gua kne observe Year 9... Class 1st, ade sorg student mcm sial, taknak dgr ckp cikgu... Class 2nd, makin ramai yg sial... Class sterusnye, lg byk yg sialan... Hilang trus respek gua kat org albino putih ni... Ayat keramat cikgu saiko tu 'Pig is the most important animal since the 1890's Industrial Revolution'.. Die siap simpan 300++ cawan yg ade gmbar babi khinzir... FREAK!!!

Day 2 - Observed Year 10 plak.. Bdk2 nakal gile babi... Cikgu mmg mengamuk n tengking2 students tp dorg rilek n cool je mcm aiskrim mat kool n buat bising lagi... Mmg tak reti bahase lgsg... Best part was dorg ade subjek media... Gua masuk class tu n cikgu tu pasang cte James Bond... Time tgk movie jela gua segar-bugar, waktu laen mmg ngantuk mcm haram.. Agaknye haram pun tak ngantuk mcm gua...

Tu diaa cikgu saiko, pakai baju putih tu...

Sorg KPLI (paling kiri sekali), yg lain tu sume buat degree lagi..

Audition nak masuk 'The Apprentice'

p/s : Mohon kawan2 tidak terkeliru dgn Colonel KFC n Cikgu saiko tu sbb dorg mmg kembar terpisah...
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